The Great War we find ourselves in today

         To anyone who has eyes to see, we are in a global war. This war is unprecedented in that it involves high end leaders from all parts of the world. Whereas most wars pit countries again countries, this one at its root pits Christ believers against unbelievers. But as in all other wars, strategy, wisdom and action will determine the end. As we assess ourselves and our ability to attack such a large adversary, we might be tempted to ask ourselves, “what can a mere person like me do against such a foe” to which the answer is “A great deal”! Being that at the root, this is actually a spiritual warfare, the God who created this universe has given us the prescription of success. The question is: “have we followed His prescription”?

              I’d like to start this treatise with a reminder of where we as believers find ourselves, and to do so effectively I need to go all the way back to the book of Genesis. Before sin entered the world, God gave Adam the command to “Be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth and subdue it: have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth” This is called man’s “Dominion Mandate”. Genesis:1 28. We then find however that man failed in his work and fell into sin which brought a curse into the world and man’s work. In this curse, Satan was to oppose the work of man on his earth, But God promised man that he (man) would, in time, have victory over the serpent who caused his failure Genesis 3:15.

We then find God’s promised victory fulfilled as He sent His Son Jesus to die for the sins of the world, and then to command mankind once again to take control under the authority of the Risen Savior Jesus Christ Matthew 28:18-20. We as Christians were told that as we are living our lives for Jesus, we would be active in discipling all the nations for Jesus. We got the mandate back.

I understand that this is a very simplified introduction of where we find ourselves today which is as follows:

We have a mandate to subdue the world for God,

We have a very clever enemy who will oppose us.

We can defeat him.

So. the next question we should be asking ourselves is, “how do we proceed in implementing this mandate? The main answer is, by faith though trusting the one who gave us the authority. Jesus Christ. Now, this may sound simple and although there is an element of simplicity, the who project is quite complex, but that’s why God, in His Word has given us the instructions for success.

Our first question in this battle is, “how to we proceed in this fight?” and the answer is found in Ephesians 6:10-20. The main point to this passage is that the war is spiritual, and it requires the use of tools that come from God. Verse 12 says we are not fighting against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. So, while it’s true that we need to be able defend ourselves physically be being armed in any way possible and applying wisdom to keep us safe, the actual victory will not be with physical weapons. I am reminded about Daniel’s prayer in Daniel 10: 10-14 where the angel says to Daniel: “Do not fear, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart to understand, and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard: and I have come because of your words. But, the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me twenty-one days; and behold, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, for I had been left alone with the kings of Persia. Now I have come to make you understand what will happen to your people in the later days…” This bible passage clearly shows us that there is spiritual warfare going on around us, and our words in prayer are heard, and are greatly instrumental in the spiritual battle.

 If American Investment banker Catherine Austin Fitts is right, the problem we are encountering is all the way to the top involving worldly powerful leaders and entities like Blackrock and Vanguard. Those we know of like Bill Gates, George Soros etc. are mere puppets whose strings are being pulled at a much higher level. It involves the people with so much money, it’s easy for them to bribe the media, big tech, political leaders, and all those sources of information we’ve mistakenly relied on to get supposed truth. The situation looks so dire, what can mere lowly people like us do? Even if we manage to get in their way a little bit, they will squash us like a bug!

Such thinking is only possible by those who have forgotten the authority they are under. If we are Christians, we are under God’s authority to take control of this world and if we implement the correct weapons of war, success in inevitable, in fact, it’s promised

So, let’s start by assessing the true enemy. Satan is a worthy adversary. His goal is to deceive and deflect people from doing God’s will. His goal for mankind is their destruction and his main method is deceit. From the beginning of the early church, he has been active in keeping people from hearing the message that will save them. In the past, Christians were wise to many of his antics and were able to counteract. The Christians preached the Word of God and used their God given wisdom to apply their message to as many people as possible. They understood the Great Commission to take the world for Jesus and expecting victory, they spread the gospel throughout the world. In this endeavor, when they saw many who could not read, they started schools to teach people so these new learned students would be able to read God’s Word. When they saw people in physical needs, in order to show the compassion of Jesus and the value of every life, they started hospitals. Christians were in front making policies in the government, in fact the US Constitution was created on biblical values quoting scriptures like Psalm 2, 47:2, 103:19, and 146:3; Matthew 28:18; Acts 12:21-23; Daniel 4:31-37, and Daniel 5:18-21.

These are just a few of the strategies used by the church as they were busy winning cultures according to their mandate, but Satan always has a plan to reverse that work. In the 1820, The Plymouth Brethren popularized a teaching derived by a 15-year-old Scottish girl who had previously given a vision while in a trance. This trance, or “vision” is where we see the beginnings of the common eschatological (end times) teaching which is predominant today. This teaching did not teach victory for the church, but rather, that Christians would lose. The culture will get worse and worse until finally God will need to rescue them by taking them to heaven at which time the “Great Tribulation” will take place. Without certainty of victory, the church began to practice defeatism. Politically, Christians allowed the governments to reinterpret the teaching of separation between church and state to mean that no religious values are to be in the government leadership. In these latest cultures in Canada and the United States, Satan got the government to sweet talk the Christians into relaxing in their duties. About education and healthcare, the entities created by the Christians, the government convinced them that they could simply tax the population and they themselves (the government) would take care of both the education as well as the hospitals. This caused 3 very serious situations. The first major situation was that it caused the church to get lazy as to the mandate from God. Whereas Christians had been active in promoting the Christian faith in all aspects of life, now they can stay home and watch television while the government does the job that the Christians were supposed to do. But more importantly, now this gave Satan access to control both the education as well as the health industries. In the education industry the teaching changed little by little to the point that we now have a predominantly socialist agenda at the root of public education. Whereas the Christians had used the Bible as its main teaching text, and taught its importance in all of life, the government completely threw it out of the schools, in fact it also prohibited even prayer. It’s no wonder then that this generation cannot think straight. In the area of healthcare, we see a system focused on profit. A lot of profit. Whereas Christian healthcare used principles of using God created plants for these God created human bodies, now the government took over and today are even laying claim to those bodies. Although some advancements have been great for the world, the system has managed to pervert a lot of it even to the point of having the world reliant on a man manufactured drug for the rest of their lives. And if current world news is accurate, this drug will also give the government control to the point where they can decide who lives or dies, who is productive or not.

The church has failed its mission and God is judging His people just as we’ve seen Him do in the Old Testament. So now, the church needs to acknowledge this, repent, and get back on to fulfilling the Great Commission with the tools God has given them. We as the church must rely on the spiritual weapons God has given us.

I would like to propose a practical plan of attack. To begin with, we understand that the one thing that pleases God is faith. Hebrews 11. When all the world tells us what can’t be done, and the Christian is reminded of who has given them authority, and who is guiding them, nothing is impossible. This is the beginning. To add to this faith is the expectation of success. Christians remember that God has promised that the gates of hell will not prevail against the church, Matthew 16:18. Any soldier that expects to fail will inevitably bring failure to his cause. As Christians, we believe that when Jesus comes back, He will do so to a successful church. The church in centuries past believed this, in fact one of the most famous preachers Jonathan Edwards believed that the Christians would be the one to subdue Christ’s enemies. In the book The Eschatology of Jonathan Edwards he read that it was one centered on victory for the church. It is written” there is no doubt that Edwards did not expect Christ to return until after a period of peace and prosperity for the church on earth: a millennium to be ushered in by such a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit that the revivals of the Great Awakening would be seen to be but a foreshadowing by contrast.”

This means that we need to gather together those who believe in the church’s success rather than failure.

The second major tactic we need to implement is “Targeted Prayer”. It is true that any prayer that simply says “Lord please give us peace” will be heard by God, but the targeted effectual prayers of righteous people will avail much more. I’d like to provide examples of this. In a book by Barry Loudermilk, we read of a story of the second world war. After the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the Americans launched the Doolittle Raid where they equipped bombers to attack Japan. After the attack, the pilots were flying to China where they hoped to be able to land. But being short on fuel and having to battle strong headwinds, it did not look like they were going to make it. I would like to quote the story from Chapter 2 pages 46 and 47.

“On aircraft number 5, Captain Jones and his entire crew were also gravely concerned about fuel. Sergeant Joe Manske had not thought much about their fuel consumption earlier in the flight, nor had he seriously considered the thirty gallons they were short in the lift wing tank. The excitement of getting airborne, navigation to the target, avoiding detection and delivering their payload kept his mind occupied. However, now that he and his fellow Raiders had time to think, they realized that without some type of miracle, they would not make it to China. It was then that Sergeant Manske, who had been raised in a good Christian home, knew he had only one hope. Manse decided it was time to turn their situation over to the only One who could help them now. Manske unbuckled his harness and, in the back of the Mitchell B025 bomber, got down on hi knees and prayed. Pilots, copilots, gunners, navigators and bombardiers in every plane were in the same predicament, and many of them were also seeking Diving intervention through prayer.

The Raiders were not the only ones praying for deliverance from their situation. Over five thousand miles away in Madres Oregon, Mrs. Hulda Andrus, the mother of Corporal Jacob DeShazar, the bombardier in aircraft number sixteen, was suddenly awakened with a burden to pray. Mrs. Andrus prayed until she felt the burden subside. She did not know about the raid, or that her son, at that very moment, was in an airplane on the other side of the world that was quickly running out of fuel. She just sensed something was wrong and she need to pray.”

As a result of this prayer, the headwind turned into a 25 mile per hour tailwind that eased their minds about ditching the plane. The issue I’d like to point out in this story is that although the God who created the world in six days can instantly turn the winds wherever He wants, He chose to do so by the prayers of His children. He even woke up one of the mothers to pray even though she had absolutely no idea of what was going on.

As a small example of this situation, I am reminded of the time during our last elections when I saw that the senate election was 50 to 50 and we had a democrat house, with a democrat president. As I lamented that with the vice president’s vote to break the 50/50 tie, there was nothing stopping the government from implementing any ungodly policy they wanted. It was at that time I prayed that God would work on the heart of democrat senators who would step in and would restrain the full control. And now we see two senators, Krysten and Manchin who are in some cases siding with more conservative policies. I’m not saying that my prayer did this but I’m suggesting that God put on the heart of many to pray this way and now we can see Him answering those prayers.

We are also reminded that when the Jews were caught in their captivity God promised deliverance. This prophecy foretold that the “land shall be a desolation” and that the Jews would “serve the king of Babylon seventy years” (Jeremiah 25:11; compare 2 Chronicles 36:17-21). After the 70 years were completed in Babylon, God told them, He would cause them “to return to this place [Jerusalem]” (Jeremiah 29:10). But in the Book of Ezekiel 36:37 we read about how God was going to answer His promise. It reads “… I will also let the house of Israel inquire of Me to do this for them…” Even though God’s promise was given, the believers needed to pray for it.

We are currently under the attack of a group of rich and powerful worldly leaders who have more money than they know what to do with. They can threaten, punish, bribe to get what they want, but they are missing something very important. They are missing God, and He will be their downfall.

Here is where the strategy begins. To begin with, we need to establish an effective prayer-based group of Christians. I believe this to contain believers who expect victory. I believe that gloom and doom Christians will only work to discourage the courageous warriors. We will need those prayer warriors to examine the political landscape and devise a plan of prayer attack especially against the leaders. Then communication will be made to pray for God to work powerfully. Just as an example, we need to look at the Judges in the Supreme court. Know what their positions are, know who is indecisive or influential, and we need to implement believing group target praying. And then with expectation of success watch for God’s provisions. This way we will continue to be encouraged by the answers we are experiencing. I think we need to pray for the believers who are beginning to set up parallel systems to meet the needs in the meantime, and for the sources of misinformation to be frustrated and make mistakes. I believe it is important to recruit victory minded Christians for this. We also need Christians who will be consistent in this work. This is not a task for just any Christian. I believe we are called to this battle, and as written in the Book of Ester 4:14, “For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”

In this document I am just beginning. I am one person of a whole army I believe God wants to organize. Some of my suggestion can be refined and I have no doubt that there are some that can come up with a much better plan.  But our focus must be on being wise, willing to work, and willing to pray. Who will sign up with me for this great work?

Bob Lépine